The WKTL-Agency is your partner in the conception and sales of touristic products. We also produce cultural events, films and audio supports, publications , including websites editing.
All of these in order to promote cultures and development of :
=> the Northern Grande-Terre, in Guadeloupe (FWI)
=> the Region around Paris, and the Doubs (France)
=> the SOCSARGEN region (Philippines)
>> Lire la suite
Manila and its région
>> Lire la suite
Le doubs and its region
>> Lire la suite
We are considering some experimental studies to local and free application of techniques and knowledges related to the topics like Agrobiology, Energy, tramsmission of sciences, history, cultures and arts. soon
Check the news of our events and join us. we ll be happy to see you. soon in english but now in french here
copying our original articles is free as well as is displayed the source of the concerned article,
by a hypertext link as => http://wktl-agency.jimdo.com/
The use of images and logos specifics to WKTL-Agency, GFFF SHOPE, GFFF TRANSIT,
are accepted only to illustrate the original copied articles referring to these names.
WKTL-Agency shall in no case be written with a space between the letter "L" dash "-" and the letter "A" Otherwise it would be a transcription error, or then, should be put also a space between each letters of the words "WKTL" and "Agency" or "AGENCY"
More about our legal mentions => HERE
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